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Trojan Deep Cycle Batteries with Hydrolink Watering System and Cables Promotional Package

To promote this new product line, Trojan is offering us a Package Discount of $219 when our customers purchase a pack of new Trojan Batteries and a Trojan Hydrolink single-point watering system along with new battery cables.

We’re passing this $219 saving directly to you!

How does it work?

Pack Trojan Deep Cycle Batteries (6x 6/8V or 4x 12V): $1,770.00

Trojan Hydrolink Single Point Watering System: $349.00

Battery Cable Set: $50.00

Total Cost before Package Discount: $2,169.00

Less Package Discount: (-$219.00)

Total Package Price: $1,950.00 (plus taxes)

*Must be purchased as a package.

*Labour and transportation extra if required.
*Handpump extra $59.99 if required.

Trojan Hydrolink System